Well, the craigslist experiment ended with no sales. I did have a few views, but not even enough of those to warrant using craigslist again. It was worth a try, though, since there is no cost and I remain convinced that selling jewelry on Etsy is impossible without multiple methods of outside promotion. There is simply too much competition in the jewelry market on Etsy to expect buyers to find me.
However, it is interesting to note that I did make a sale on Ebay last week. I offered a charm bracelet as $60 or best offer. I received an offer of $45 the next day, which seemed reasonable because it was a piece I wanted to move anyway (which is why I chose it for Ebay, understanding it would go below my $60 set price). So, I am trying again and just listed this recycled glass pendant necklace...
Congratulations on your ebay sale. I read somewhere within the past week about a shop listing some cards on ebay that had been in their etsy shop for 2 months. They sold.
ReplyDeleteI am getting back to ebay too. Not with a store. I never could afford one, but just weekly listings. Even selling yard sale items for 99 cents each netted profit.
Best wishes!
Thank you for posting on my blog thread.
Here's mine
Christie, I think that if you get your work in front of the right person, it will sell. I agree that an Ebay store is too expensive, but if you can absorb the other Ebay fees, I think it is worth it to use Ebay as another market for selling. I do use Photobucket to try and cut down on the fees and show as many photos as I want for free.